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Top 5 Free Payroll Software

Top 5 Free Payroll Software

Most business owners can keep track of their employee time and pay by using free payroll software. Cutting out additional expenses and providing customizable data fields, this excellent tool even offers support to troubleshoot product use.

The Top 5 Free Payroll Softwares are listed below:

#1: NolaPro v4.0.

This free accounting and business management suite is web-based and provides a full service which includes inventory tracking and order entry. NolaPro also includes plugins for business-to-business web portals, point of sale and an ecommerce shopping cart. Menu displays, colors and icon sets are customizable, and the interface is flexible based upon your business needs. Different companies can have several sets of books and data is not restricted. Security is at a high level of safety in order to provide permissions to users who may access the software. There are no banner ads, no restrictions to the license and no advertisements, this software is fully functional for its free use.

#2: Journyx Timesheet.

By focusing on the decision-making process, Journyx offers an interface that allows individuals to enter expense and project time information from any location that accesses the Web. Information from Journyx transfers over to existing HR systems. Journyx tracks employee time for projects, rates and expenses and makes the process of collecting this information easy and seamless.

#3: TimeTrex.

This web-based time management suite provides attendance and time, invoicing, as well as accounts receivable and other important functions. Employees are able to track their time by cell phone as well as bar code reader from anywhere they may be. Calculating overtime as well as other business policies and costs allows an employer to identify the costs of labor by specific employee, department, quantities produced, branch, and task type. TimeTrex even calculates taxes to be withheld, prints paychecks, provides electronic paystubs and can direct deposit an employee´s pay.

#4: actiTIME Basic.

Management and billing have never been easier for mid-size as well as small businesses. actiTIME is a web based time tracker that helps to streamline meticulous daily time management tasks. This free program tracks projects based upon customer as well as employee, access can be granted to several employees with various levels of security, tracks overtime and both non-billable and billable tasks to transfer to QuickBooks. Support is available for this product for free.

#5: Asman Accounting.

This system for bookkeeping provides a double-entry general journal for all business tracking. Financial analysis for any business is important, and this program includes line graphs, bar charts, pie charts and 3D bar charts to help compare employee productivity and trends. Show trends in monthly, daily, bi-monthly, weekly, quarterly, yearly and half-year settings as well. This program is fully customizable and provides accounting options and more.