Being in the industry that I am in, I get asked a lot of questions about making money or marketing online. While I’m always eager to help the people on my team the question that never ceases to amaze me is, which are better, USA or UK money programs? Let me answer that with a question. What makes you think they are any different? The beautiful thing about the internet is that instead of the population of the net being separated by boundaries; it’s all one continent, so to speak. So making money, be it in pounds or dollars, is all cash in your pocket.
There are many ways to make money on the internet and all the same rules apply no matter what currency you’re playing with. How you start though will depend on how much money you have at your disposal. Having little to no money doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t create big riches online though, it just takes a little more creativity and effort.
If you’ve got limited funds then the best place to start investing is in affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is when you, as the affiliate, market and sell other peoples products. In return you take sometimes up to 75% of the profit. Not bad for a product you didn’t even have to put together.
The best place to start your affiliate marketing, which is where I started, is in the eBook industry. People, now more than ever, are paying a lot of money for instant downloads of information products. Unlike going to a book store and buying a 15 dollar book, people are paying up to 70 dollars for the same amount of information online. Imagine if you sold a 70 dollar eBook, that’s over a 52 dollar profit for you. Now imagine you did that just 10 times a month. That’s an extra 520 dollars in your pocket, all with no cash investment and without the headache of creating the book. With affiliate marketing though, you need to find a niche market where people want to buy the information but there aren’t a lot of competitor affiliates. Keep in mind, what’s a hot topic in the USA may not be a hot topic in the UK and vice versa so do your research before you pick your niches.
As you start making money online, or if you already have an “I want to quit my job” fund, the real riches to be made on the internet come at a price, but a small price in comparison to the pay off. AdWords, for example, can cost you anywhere from a couple cents per click up to ten dollars per click, but if you pay 10 dollars for a click that results in a 1,000 dollar sale wouldn’t you say that’s worth it?
Another route you can take is joining a program that already has a blueprint of what you need to do to make money on the internet. Beware though; there are a lot of scams out there. Before joining a program, make sure you do your research. Ask around, read forums or blogs. Be as informed as possible about the program, or company, you are joining. One of my largest income streams on the internet comes from being part of one of these programs, but I literally researched all the programs for about two months before I finally decided on one, and it paid off. (Hint, check YouTube. People post video reviews on everything and anything. Just take it with a grain of salt. Did they fail because the system was flawed or did they fail because they didn’t do anything and expected the money to find them?)
So, in conclusion, it doesn’t matter if you’re doing American money programs or UK money programs. There’s money to be made everywhere. Heck, if you can type in Japanese, good for you, you’re market just got even bigger! The point I’m trying to make is that you shouldn’t be thinking about what country you should be marketing in, you should be thinking about where you need to start. If you have to start small, like affiliate marketing, to save enough money to invest in bigger online marketing endeavors then do it. The same rule of thumb applies to making money on the internet as in the stock market. The more you invest, the bigger the payoff potential!